To be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we have our legal terms and policies. In order to keep it simple, we will make a few promises to our users.
Soon’s promises to our users:
- We will delete all your data if you want us to do so;
- If you are part of a team, due to the nature of our application, we will communicate with you and the team owner if that is not you to avoid mistakes;
- We'll do everything we can to be 100% compliant with the GDPR;
- We are a European company;
- It does not matter to us if you are a European citizen, a European company, or physically located in the EU, if you are our user you are covered by the GDPR;
- We will never sell your data;
- Our databases are within the EU;
- We use some services of non-European companies;
- We have carefully selected these services to make sure that they are also compliant with the GDPR;
- If you have any questions regarding your data or privacy, we will answer them to the best of our abilities;
- In the event of a data breach, we will report this through the proper channels and inform all users.
If you have a question or request, contact us at
These promises are our core principles and what we strive for. Please see our Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, as applicable, for details.